Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Something to Think About this Election Season

I was reading an article from Caribbean World News today. The headline speaks for itself: "U.S. Citizens in Guyana Urged to Vote."

Hunh?! Did you read that?

It made me think: U.S. Citizens in foreign countries have more rights that so-called "U.S. Citizens" on U.S. soil!

Is that right? Should that be? Maybe it would be better for all of our youth studying on the mainland to register over there and then return home keeping their stateside registrations? Seems crazy, right?

What do you think? Let me hear from you...

Answer the Call: Virgin Islands for the Virgin Islanders...those at home and those abroad!


Marimoy said...

I have had so many discussions about this, I don't even know what else to say. If you live in the states, register and keep your registration. What happens there, affects here and we need to take measures (no matter how sneaky) to let our voices be heard. I despise not having my right to vote in the elections there when I LIVE IN AMERICA!!!

Jabriel Ballentine said...

Right - it's like we're American, but not American. Weird, hunh?

But, it's fine because we tolerate it. It will not change until we change it. When New England was fed up with the state of its relationship with Britain, they threw a "Tea Party!"

We continue to play nice with a government that has usurped its authority. We "pal around" (to use a Palinism) with those who would relegate us to Second-class Citizenship. Ultimately, Mimi, we are the ones to blame.

But, that's why it's important that we continue to discuss these issues! That's why we must encourage more to make their voices heard here on Virgin Islands Watch! We must come to rely on ourselves and begin to assert our inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Continue to Answer the call: Virgin Islands for the Virgin Islanders...those at home and those abroad!

kallaloostx said...

I beg to differ. Since you can't have dual registration, I would much prefer to vote in the area where I live...which is the VI...Although what happens in the US does affect the VI, our local elections are far more important for the long-term.

Jabriel Ballentine said...

yes, that is what I was hoping to get at. And, I think that's what Mimi was saying too. But, the thing would be to use that vote - keeping the VI in mind. We who live abroad can ask our representatives where they stand on VI issues. And, we can use our vote to influence their positions. That's part of how we "Answer the Call: Virgin Islands for the Virgin Islanders...those at home and those abroad!"